Category Archives: News and Notes

Rising Liberty Food Pantry

Our very own Rising Liberty Pantry is asking for your assistance in stocking our pantry with paper products such as paper plates, plastic ware, paper towels, Coffee, etc… These items will be used when Rising Liberty is serving meals for Rising Liberty functions.

Food Pantry Distribution

We operate a Food Pantry Ministry in conjunction with Westover Baptist Church.  We distribute We operate a Food Pantry Ministry in conjunction with Westover Baptist Church.  We distribute food on the first Friday from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. each month and Westover Baptist Church distributes food on the third Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. each month.

Anniversary Celebration of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

The entire congregation of Rising Liberty Church has been invited to the Church Anniversary Celebration of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday, March 8th at 3:00p.m. Pastor Wade will be preaching,  our choir will be singing, and our ushers will be ushering. Dinner will be served before the service. The address of Wesley Memorial, where Reverend  Rodney Hunter serves as Pastor, is: 1720 Mechanicsville  Turnpike,  Richmond, VA 23223